Dharmapuri Diocese Dharmapuri Diocese Dharmapuri Diocese

Dharmapuri Social Service Society (DSSS)


Charity: To perform works of charity for those in need irrespective of race, caste, community or creed.

Social Service: To engage in social service activities aimed at improving the living condition and general welfare of the poor particularity farmers and other working people as well as poor and indigent persons of whatever occupation without respect of race, community, caste or creed.

Development: To work for the total development of the people especially the down-trodden so that a community based on justice, peace and love is established.

- Organizing of grass-root groups
- Animation
- Promotion of people’s Federation
- Economical development through savings and credit schemes
- Preserve Nature and environment for prosperity
- Relief and rehabilitation to refuges
- Emergency relief and rehabilitation to the victims of natural calamities
- HIV / AIDS programmes
- Eradicating Female infanticide and promoting gender equality
- Rehabilitation of bonded labourers
- House for homeless

Society Administration
Governing Body
The society shall have the governing body consisting of 7 members to manage its affairs including one president, one vice-president, one secretary cum treasurer and 4 ordinary members of the governing body.
The president of the society is empowered to give direction in regard to the business of the society.

General Body
The number of the members of the general body of the society including the governing body shall be not less than nine and shall not exceed fifteen.

Cessation / Removal of the Membership
Membership shall cease on the following conditions
a) by death
b) by removal of non-residents of the area of operation
c) by resignation, to be accepted by the President and General Body
d) by dismissal, by the Governing Body, if person is found to be working against the interests of the Society


Director of Dharmapuri Social Service Society

Dharmapuri Diocese

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