Dharmapuri Diocese Dharmapuri Diocese Dharmapuri Diocese

Commissions & Associations

Commission In-Charges

Pastoral Centre


Fr. K. Maria Joseph
Social Communication Fr. A. Chinnappan
Bible Fr. I.Robert
Vocation Fr. Arul Jothi
Anbiam (B.C.C) Fr. Isaias
Catechists / Kovilpillais Fr. S. Athiruban
Women Mrs. Jeeva
SC/ST Fr. M. Yesudass.
Liturgy Fr. A. Arputharaj
Charismatic Movements
Fr. Arputharaj
Education Fr. K.Lourdusamy
Legal Cell Fr. P. Lourdusamy
Pious Association Fr. Benjamine
Youth Fr. Gnanapragasm
Labour Fr. S. Maria Joseph
Ecumenism / Dialogue Fr. A. Madalaimuthu
Health  Msgr. Ambrose



Commission for Family is concerned about building up the Christian Families based on Gospel values. Concentrating on the formation of the whole family will lead towards the formation of better society.  
  • In God’s plan, “Family has been established as an intimate communion of life and love” (FC 11). The essence and the role of the family are in the final analysis specified by love. It enables people to grow in personal and social maturity. Family values like filial respect, love and care for the aged and the sick, love of children and harmony are held in high esteem. The Christian family, like the church as a whole, should be a place where the truth of the Gospel is the rule of life. 


  • Christian Family is hailed as the “Domestic Church and a Prayer Centre” (AA 11, LG 11) where ‘Faith’ germinates and settles at the deepest being of ever member from his/her birth. The fear of God taught by the parents gives the child the wisdom of love, faith, hope and all other Christian virtues. “While learning the first words, the children learn also the praise of God; while learning the first acts of love, the children learn also to open themselves to others” (CL 62).
  • Christian Family, as “one of the Church’s most effective agents of evangelization” (EA 46), is called to witness to the Gospel values in difficult times and circumstances.
  • The Christian Family should be active in Parish Life and should be involved in the service to others. Christian Family must be encouraged to get together for Prayer, Bible reading and reflecting together and for healthy recreations. This kind of togetherness of Christian families will help them to become a hearth of the work of evangelization, where every member experiences God’s love and communicates it others – like the early Christian families of Antioch (Acts 11: 19-26).
  • Attention on the whole family 
* will deepen the faith of our people at every stage
* will have an active participation of the people
* will become a base to carry message / information about other activities of all other commissions.
  • Seminars for different stages of people in the family
- At the Vicariate level
- At Diocesan level
- Attention on the broken families
- Qualified Family Counseling team to be formed


- The BCCs are an attempt in the Church to recapture, imbibe and activate the spirit of the early Christian Communities in today’s context.
  • The group of believers was one in heart and mind … (Acts 4:32-35; 2:42-47)
- Vat. II basing itself on the words of Jesus defines the Church as a communion of love, life and truth (LG 9)
- The BCCs are a solid starting point for a New Society based on a civilization of love (Redemptoris Missio 51)
- Pope John Paul II calls BCC as “a concrete expression of the Church and a home and family for every one” (Familiaris Consortio 85) 
- The building of BCC, flowing from our celebration of the Eucharist (Acts 4:32-37) is pastorally desirable. The model for the church is “a communion of communities”. (CBCI, Trivandrum 1996)
- The Church in Asia will have to be a communion of communities, where the laity, religious and the clergy recognize and accept each other as brothers and sisters. They are called together by the Word of God. There they pray and share together the Gospel of Jesus, living it in their daily lives as they support one another and work together, […]. (Statement of the Fifth Plenary Assembly, FABC, Bandung, No. 8)  
The BCCs are characterized by
Communitarian Spirit
Neighbourhood Spirit
Sharing Spirit
Ecclesial Openness
- So, the formation of BCCs would entail the following factors
  • Considerable awareness to be given in the parish/village
  • The Parish Priest is the coordinator, spiritual director
Other Priests and religious are to cooperate in this spiritual activity
Women Religious are to spare their evening hours to visit the BCCs
Each BCC is to be constituted approximately with 10 – 15 families
Families at closer circle are best for their gathering
The Parish Council members are to be represented from the coordinators of the BCCs


This commission is to help the Laity & Women to play their role and fulfill their mission in the Church and in the Society. The main focuses of this commission are:
- Faith formation of Laity
- To promote proper participation and co-responsibility in the life and mission of the Church
- To enable the Laity / Women to be entrusted with those offices and ministries permitted by the law 
- To promote and encourage voluntary evangelizers


Jesus Christ ordered His disciples ‘to proclaim the Gospel to all the nations and to teach them all that He commanded’ (Mt 28:19-20). Spreading the Good News of God’s mercy and salvation to all has always been the central point of the church’s mission. Christ’s presence is realized in the Church by so many means. After the Vat. II reading the Bible (the Sacred Scripture) has become prevalent among the faithful to realize the presence of Christ in the family when praying together and reading the Bible. Although preaching is the principal function of the Clergy, it is the task of the entire Church (AA 3). 
- Bible Seminars at Diocesan level / Vicariate level
- Family Quiz 
- Bible Exhibition
- Bible classes for the voluntary preachers


Catechesis is the other paramount form of the ministry of the divine Word along with preaching. The word Catechesis means to ‘instruct’ or ‘to teach’. So, catechesis is directed to those who have responded to the Gospel to make them live their ‘Faith’ in all circumstances. “Catechetical formation […] illuminates and strengthens the faith, nourishes a life in harmony with the spirit of Christ, leads to a conscious and active participation in the liturgical mystery and prompts apostolic action” (GE 4).
- The Parish remains “the pre-eminent place for catechesis.
- The Parish Priest is bound to coordinate catechetical formation of adults, young and the children in his parish. 
- Sunday Catechism for Children to be made compulsory in all the Parishes.
- Women Religious should teach at least one hour on every Sunday to teach catechism to the growing children. 
- At schools, the Headmaster should give due importance to the Catechism classes and take personal interest to catechize the children. 
- Canon law speaks of ‘five catechetical moments’ that need particular attention of every parish priest:  
o Celebration of the Sacraments
o Children at First Communion, Penance and Confirmation
o Continued formation of children after their First Communion
o Suitable catechesis given to the physically and mentally impeded
o Faith formation for youth and adults.
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